Writing funny mysteries (and more!) for you.

Bill Alive
Bill Alive
Writer. Thinker. Goofball.
Feb 6, 2020 2 min read

Reading Order for the "Murder Feels…" Mystery Series

Ready to read the cozy mystery adventures of Mark the Empath Detective, as told by his excitable sidekick, Pete? Here’s the preferred reading order for this series.

Ready to read the cozy mystery adventures of Mark the Empath Detective, as told by his excitable sidekick, Pete? Here’s the preferred reading order for this series.

CHEAT CODE: It’s an “alphabet mystery” series. The key word of each title starts with the next letter of the alphabet. Book 1 has “A” for “Awful”, Book 2 has “B” for “Bad”, and so on.

Nice and easy.

Quick Reading Order

Book 1
Murder Feels Awful
Book 2
Murder Feels Bad
Book 3
Murder Feels Crazy
Murder Feels Deadly

For covers, blurbs, and more details, see below.


Q: Can I read these books in any order?

A: Technically, yes. But why would you?

Each book in this mystery is a standalone mystery, so yes, you can read them in any order.

However, there’s also a legit series arc here, with character growth, tasty long-term plot questions, and a growing menace from a Big Baddie. So starting at Book 1 is definitely more fun.

Q: Isn’t this the “Empath Detective” Mystery Series?

A: Yes, that’s the original / official name…

… and the name you might see on Amazon or in the books themselves (until I update them).

It’s also on the covers.

But whenever I talk to people, they want to call it the “Murder Feels…” series, so I’ve kind of given up. Whatever works. 😄

For now, let’s consider “Murder Feels…” the official… nickname.

Reading Order (with Covers, Blurbs, and More)

Book 1

Murder Feels Awful

This detective feels your pain. For real.
A glider crashes in the Blue Ridge mountains. The cops call it an accident.
But Mark knows it was murder. He felt it.

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Book 2

Murder Feels Bad

A murder at a wedding?
And the cops are calling it suicide!
But Mark felt murder.

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Book 3

Murder Feels Crazy

Mark is finally feeling pretty good.
For an empath detective, that's a big deal.
Then the murders begin...

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Book 4

Murder Feels Deadly

Learn how Mark first discovered his empath power.
He doesn't know he has a secret power…
…until he feels a murder.

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That’s all for now!

Book 5

MURDER FEELS EVIL will release in 2024.

You may also like: Reading Order for the Wonder Springs Mystery Series

P.S. Thanks to reader Stephony for requesting reading order lists! I hadn’t even thought to do this. If you have a suggestion for this site, please let me know.